With yes-no Intrasonance questions, from then on, if you are just yourself, you can specifically identify issues that cause imbalance and what brings peace to you today. However, this is a very individual work that requires some practice.
However, you can speak the following texts independently of working with yes-no Intrasonance questions. Simply formulate at the marked points according to your situation.
I am giving you two texts here, a so-called “short” and a “long” one. Experience has shown that the short one is better suited for anyone beginning to explore Intrasonance, and also for anyone who wants to quickly get into another “spirit” in everyday life.
The long text is for special times in special places, because speaking these words means that a lot goes and comes back at once.
You will feel the difference as soon as you read the two texts.
If you speak the texts while standing, i.e. fluctuating soul, you will receive a yes every time the texts are said. If you get a no somewhere while speaking, say: I hereby release freely and in peace, whatever prevents me from receiving a yes to this statement. I release all of this gently, in balance and without stress and into peace, that’s safe for me, and everyone is happy, thank you. Then try again with the statement and then go on in the text.
Always start each text with the back-and-forward and I’m-only-assurance.
Short text
For everyday life, e.g. prior to discussions, exams, work or in cooperation with children, colleagues and in a partnership.
I now release everything gently, in balance and without stress and into peace,
what can and wants to go now and what prevents me
• to be happy / relaxed / in a good mood …;
• to accomplish this task (possibly to name it specifically) wonderfully / to my complete satisfaction / easily (add or change as desired);
• to write this work assuredly, concentratedly, wonderfully, successfully (add or change as desired);
• pass this test confidently;
• to conduct this conversation successfully;
• (formulate other sentences as you wish);
and I also gently release, in balance and without stress, everything that prevents me from giving freely and into peace what can and will go now. And I call back to me everything that belongs to me from the origin and that can now return to me to support me in my projects. All of this is safe for me and everyone is happy, thank you.
Long Text
For special times and places.
All parts of my soul that can go now because they belong to others
and because they prevent me from (… using whatever you want to do)
I now give back in love.
I thank for what they showed me and let them go into peace now. They return gently, in balance and without stress to where they are at home.
And I call back to me all parts of my soul that belong to me from the origin and that support me in doing so (… use the same as above).
They are now coming back to me gently, in balance and without stress.
All parts of my soul that can now unfold in me to support me (… use the same as above) now unfold gently, in balance and without stress in me.
All of this is safe for me and everyone is happy. Thank you.
I love myself as my neighbor and look at me through my eyes. I know my wisdom, my strength, my generosity, my conscientiousness, my clarity in myself and in others.
I am loved as I am, thanks.