CREASPIR | Creative Spiritual Care
Welcome. This page on the subject of intrasonance has existed since 2020, it is called – and it will remain that way. So if you found your way here via the link, you’ve come to the right place. CREASPIR is the short form of Creative Spiritual Care. You can read more about this term below. In 2025, it was recognised that this approach is actually a practical process philosophy.
Having and Being in Balance
Work of one
Intrasonance (from Latin intra “within” and sonar “sound”) is the exclusively vertical working of the One’s, the Beyond’s of Time, unconditional love into a vibrating system and the exchange of the stressful energetic structures present there through this One, which is called love, God, life energy and the like. This exchange takes place through consciously chosen thoughts and language.
Intrasonance is a natural phenomenon and enables the creature, in connection with the One, the security of origin, to independently reactivate, strengthen and expand serenity, resilience, confidence, relationship skills and more (also: energy detox). Situational, continuous, sustainable. Because it is a birthright to be whole and whole.
Art of living
The targeted, self-directed exchange of energetic injuries through intact energetic Having and Being of the One is an art of living that each one of us can apply for him or herself, and for others, and for which they can also develop their own approaches. Since december 2022 I call this art of living Creative Spiritual Care – thanks to the scientific MUTASPIR cooperation (more about that here). Like resonance, Intrasonance is natural, is available to everyone equally and can be used by anyone at any time. Intrasonance is energy detox, too.
This website by Ulrike Streck-Plath contains the first description of Intrasonance in words and pictures as well as information on the application of this art of living. You can find information on personal support at > Mentoring (the site is actually available in German only, mentoring is possible in English and French).
Recommendation: If you are interested, please read the contents of this page first. Further reading can then be found here.
Information on personal counselling for special life issues and challenges can be found at