Explore direction
Stand anywhere, upright, but not rigid, the distance between your feet should be approximately hip-wide.
Look straight ahead, but don’t fix your gaze on anything, your field of vision is free of distraction.
Slowly sway forward, backward, to the left, to the right. While swaying, your body remains as straight as possible.
With this swaying, you deliberately give your body the impulse to sway in one direction or the other.
Now come to rest and think of something particularly bad. War, suffering, torture, need. Where does your body sway automatically without you giving it a conscious impulse?
This unconscious impulse can be weak, but it can also be very strong. Very rarely does a person actually stay without such an impulse *.
Now imagine something particularly beautiful. Holidays, friends, a flower meadow, whatever it is that you really enjoy. Here, too: where does your body sway automatically?
Change direction
Does your body sway forward when it is beautiful and backward when you think of something terrible – that’s fine. Then you are averse to the terrible and inclined to the beautiful. That’s how it should be.
But: If your body sways forward with the terrible and backward with the beautiful, you are twisted.
Experience shows that twisted people have experienced a lot of suffering in their lives or often felt that something was going “wrong” in their lives.
To unwind, you say:
I ask for my own direction.
Pay attention to the immediate, quasi-automatic swaying impulse of your body, your being. An impulse should arise, this can also be a very small one.
Then imagine the terrible and the bad again. Where do you sway now?
For almost all the people I have worked with so far, speaking this request has sufficed, and they felt properly aligned again, which means to sway backward with the terrible and forward with the beautiful **.
In this soul sway – beautiful: to the front, terrible: to the rear – the mode of action of Intrasonance is already clearly visible on the outside.
This wavering, including the fact that a possible twistedness is reversed through the pure request, reveals the direct, personal connection of the individual with the All-One, makes it tangible and usable.
It is only in this connection that bringing about inner harm through or with intrasonance, i.e. taking back the unifying unconditional love in the former areas of loss and absorbing the previous burdens in the peace of the All-One, is possible and explainable.
If you’re afraid to sway in your own direction: You are a free child of God, a free child of the universe and have the right to come into your own direction. Just try, you can’t go wrong.
If you cannot stand because you are in a wheelchair or bedridden, someone else can work for you. However, you can also work intrasonantly without swaying.
Understanding twistedness
Being twisted – terrible: forward, beautiful: back – has nothing to do with one person being better or worse than another. It only has to do with what you encountered in life and how you reacted to it. Some people instantaneously react with this twist when they split themselves off. Consequence may be
– no longer feeling at home in oneself,
– having to spend a lot more strength and energy on the challenges of life,
– have the feeling of attracting unpleasant things,
– being misunderstood continuously,
– to perceive oneself as “somehow not right”.
By restoring their original alignment, people reactivate their inner compass. They themselves restore the basic orientation with which they can face what they encounter in life in a much more stable way than before.
Maintaining the inner compass
Often, twisting is the result of trauma that occurred a long time ago. The body’s own system has then got used to the state and looks at it as a “normal state”, into which it always wants to return. Because the system wants to save energy – and every change initially costs energy.
Therefore, keep checking over a longer period of time whether the original orientation (terrible: back, beautiful: forward) is still correct and adjust if necessary. As a result, your system “learns” over time to accept the original orientation as the “right one” again. The “more” energy initially used to maintain the regained original orientation leads very quickly to the “realization” by the system that living in an original orientation actually requires much less energy – a great advantage. The system “thanks” by keeping the new orientation ***.
Even if your own orientation was already there, it makes sense to check from time to time whether you are still “ticking correctly”. Because life has many traumatizing experiences every day.
You can incorporate the testing of your own orientation at any time into all possible everyday moments and activities that you do while standing.
* If this is the case for you, then try it intrasonantly, i.e. with the awareness that what is happening now is happening vertically, and say: I hereby release freely and in peace, whatever prevents me from feeling this fluctuation impulse. I release all of this gently, in balance and without stress and in peace, that’s for sure, and everyone is happy, thank you. Then try again with the unconscious impulse.
** If this is not the case for you, then try it intrasonantly, i.e. with the awareness that what is happening now is happening vertically, and say: I hereby release freely and in peace what prevents me from re-entering my very own direction. I release all of this gently, in balance and without stress and in peace, that’s for sure, and everyone is happy, thank you. Then try again with the sentence.
*** The description is deliberately simplified, but this process is based on complex hormonal and other processes in the body, which are not described on this homepage, for reasons of clarity